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Home/Blog / Revision Facelifts in Sacramento California

There is nothing more disappointing than aging, especially after having undergone a procedure such as a facelift. In Sacramento, Dr Charles Perry and his staff at Chrysalis Cosmetics realize that your face is the first thing people see and most people will make a judgment about you based upon your looks in the 15 seconds of meeting you. This is why it is so important to look your best as you only have one chance to make that first impression. For someone whom has already undergone a procedure maintenance is the key to avoiding an additional facelift or revision facelift.
At Chrysalis Cosmetics a maintenance plan will be outlined. Of course this starts with good healthy nutrition (avoidance of genetically engineered foods, excessive sugars, and excessive alcohol consumption), and getting enough water, sun avoidance and the right amount of sleep. After these most important aspects, laser resurfacing, fillers, structural fat grafting, muscle relaxation, and a skin care regiment can enhance your result for many years.
However at some point a revision may be the most dramatic or effective way to continue your youthful appearance. Individual characteristics will be enhanced and slight adjustments can be done usually utilizing your previous incisions. Recovery can be less lengthy however in some cases it can be more extensive and more bothersome as the second time around is usually more technically demanding for the surgeon. Be sure you are seeing a board certified plastic surgeon and one that is both artful and skillful as well as kind and caring.

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