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Home/Blog / What Do Breast Reduction Scars Look Like?

Women who receive breast reduction surgery often feel such relief from the weight and pain associated with overly large breasts they do not mind having some signs of surgery. That said, it’s perfectly understandable to be concerned about how breast reduction scars will look once fully healed. Dr. Charles Perry, our board-certified plastic surgeon, explains that these marks are often relatively subtle once healed, and that the latest techniques can help to reduce their appearance even more.

Most breast reductions use an anchor incision, which can leave scars around the nipple-areolar complex, vertically down the breast, and horizontally across the inframammary line (breast fold). Dr. Perry makes every effort to minimize the appearance of these marks, including using laser skin resurfacing to soften scar tissue and enhance healing. Additionally, the incision is taped, and that bandage is left in place for six weeks or longer. We also often recommend applying a silicone cream (such as BIOCORNEUM®) starting six weeks post-op for three months. While it may not be possible to completely eliminate all signs of surgery, this combination of approaches can help you to achieve a beautiful, natural-looking result.

If you would like to learn more about how scar reduction after breast reduction surgery can improve the lives of women with excessively heavy breasts, please contact our practice for more information.

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