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Home/Blog / Release of the Hidden (Inverted) Nipples: Sacramento California

Although subtle and not often noticed by others, inverted nipples can cause one to feel self conscience. Whether with a significant other or looking in a mirror, one is often reminded of the nipples absence. While occuring in few women in the Roseville, Folsom, Stockton, or Sacramento areas, many will suffer in silence because they are not aware that something can be done. Some are born with the condition, in others it occurs at puberty or following breast feeding. Luckily plastic surgeons have developed methods to treat this condition through the use of a small procedure in the office. It is great to see the self confidence obtained from those choosing to have their hidden nipple restored to a more natural position. During the procedure the Plastic Surgeon (Dr Charles Perry – Chrysalis Cosmetics) relaxes the bands that tethered nipple inside the breast. Once these foreshortened ductules are stretched and released the nipple pops out and is secured with a few absorbable stitches. After healing for a period of a month or so the swelling resolves and the hidden nipple is revealed. Risks are usually minimal however infection, bleeding and loss of the nipple can occur. The most common unwanted outcome is recurrence and on occasion some volume augmentation may enhance the projection if one desires.

Hidden inverted nipple

Inverted Nipple Prior to Procedure in Sacramento California

Hidden Nipple release, Nipple inversion release

The Nipple Released! After the Procedure

Spring is often the time that people electively have the inverted nipples released in preparation for swim suit season. Pictured is one woman whom the condition had afflicted for many years. After having them released her comment was that she wishes she would have done it sooner.

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